artist statement


I have always created forms that speak of the phenomenological perspective of understanding through the acceptance of “that, which is.” It is through our individual physical experiences that we understand our environment and “that which is.” I believe that my works galvanize people to investigate and assess that which is in front of them and it's relationship to them. By doing this, they recognize that there is something present and that it's presence is essentially the byproduct of the celebration of humanity. With the acceptance that an inanimate object, which looks nothing like one is accustom to, one opens up to the acceptance that “that which is” different is also a celebration of life.  And in celebrating life, one agrees that “that” which is different is like oneself. In these days and times, humanity really needs to understand this.

The notion that art is an expression of life is the foundation that I sculpt on. I am constantly creating works of art that give the feeling of motion: hence the sphere, angles, balanced and unbalanced elements, and voids. The elements of the sphere, curved forms and grinding patterns emphasize motion and motion implies life. Not only do I use various elements in my composition to imply life, but I also compose my initial thoughts while sculpting a piece in the same manner. By sculpting in the “direct method,” I do not sketch or create drawings for my sculpture. I am always creating in the round; from thought to actuality. I am always in the present and continuously making immediate decisions that lead me to the next set of circumstances, as in life.

- Isaac Duncan III